I Was Raped at 15 by a Total Stranger, Had Baby at 16. Years Later, The Stranger is My Brother (VIDEO)

"I have been keeping this secret to myself, well not a secret to my family members. My name is Kemi, a native of Osun, was born in Osogbo and raised at Ondo town. I also schooled at Ondo town.

The experience has been the darkest moment of my life. I was on my way back from school when I was raped. Usually, after school, I walk home with friends then my friends would reach home before me. Their houses were just a street away from mine. On that unfortunate day, after my friends had reached their destination and on my way home as usual, I was approached by a guy, Kunle who has been throwing advances at me wanting me to be his girlfriend and I would always decline his advances as I was too young at that time, I even told him I was 15 years old and not matured to be in relationship. I told him I was still in SS1 and won't have a boyfriend till I decide after I clock 18years old.

But he kept pestering whenever I come back from school. So it happened that he lured me that day, he approached me and told me he was traveling the next day as an emergency and that he wanted me to deliver a book to his friend in my street as he won't be chanced to see his friend, so I followed him. As we got to his apartment, immediately he shut the door, everything happened so fast, held me tight, covered my mouth, carried me to his room, placed me on his, pulled up my school dress and forced himself on me, I was wailing, crying, it was so painful, I was shattered, my life was a mess, he kept pounding me forcefully and I bled as I never had sex, I cried and wept bitterly, he covers my mouth whenever I cry and scream. I was suffocating at some point. And when he was done,he cleaned me up and told me he's sorry, he didn't know what came over him. I left his apartment, I was shattered, sad and scared. For 10mins, I was thinking of what had happened and what I would tell my guardian, my world was crumbled.

I got home and everyone was worried about why I was a bit late, I lied to them at first that I forgot my homework at school and had to go back to get it. Later that night, I couldn't sleep, I was restless, so I went to my aunt's room and told her everything that happened to me. She was so furious and angry and equally mad at me for not telling her the truth when I returned from school as she could have ask me to take her to the boy's house, but it was already late and dark. We tried to sleep, the next morning, we went to the guy's house and indeed, he traveled and that was the last I saw of him. My aunt was so caring, she took care of me despite everything.

See Video here:
Weeks later, I started noticing body changes, I thought it was normal sickness symptoms, my aunt on the other was looking at me weirdly when I told her I was feeling sick, she then took me to hospital for treatment where I was told that I was pregnant, my world just fell apart. Nothing again I had left, no dignity, no pride, my education affected,I felt useless. A trauma I have to live and deal with. I stopped school and had my baby at 16.

At 17, I went back to complete my secondary school education. It was a tough journey foee at such age, you don't want to know what I went through with friends, teachers, students, neighbors... but in all, I remained focused in finishing up my tertiary education. I got admission into Obafemi Awolowo University, OAU, Ile-Ife. My parents were still in Osogbo, my aunt who has been assisting travelled out of the country for work. I had to leave my son with my parents while I schooled in Ife, thank God both towns aren't far from each other. The struggle to keep up with my studies and my son was very tough but all glory to God, I became a graduate of mass communication and got a job after youth service.

Watch Video herehttps://youtu.be/srTvbzFPZH8

My mom called me one day and told me to come home weekend as we would be having a family meeting and reunion. I travelled home for the meeting, guess who I saw? Lol, your guess is as good as mine, KUNLE! That face, I will never forget, it was him! I screamed! Asked my parents what he was doing in our house, how come, what's going on? At first, I thought perhaps he might have asked for my whereabout and someone would have told him where my parents stay since my son is with them. What's going on? I kept fuming and was so furious! He looked surprised too,could raise his head, walked out of the sitting room as he couldn't face me. And when tension was reduced, everyone seated for the meeting. My father introduced everyone, my siblings to Kunle and that he was our brother! No! This isn't happening! Brother ke? Brother bawo? How? What is going on for goodness sake, I asked furiously.

See Video here: https://youtu.be/srTvbzFPZH8
My mother then narrated to us how she had a child with her ex boyfriend out of wedlock but hid it from everyone including my father, she told my father years after marriage but my father on the other hand told us it was only because he truly loved our mum that he forgave her for hiding such from him. She explained that she kept her son Kunle with one of her childhood older friend who was willing to raise her son for her so she can focus on her own life since that is what my mom wanted. In that meeting, my mom's friend was present just for her to officially introduce Kunle to his real mother. At that point, I couldn't think of the taboo that has happened between myself and brother with a son binding us. My brother raped me.

10 years after I was raped, I met my rapist, you the brother I never knew who happened to be the father of my son."

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I caught my brother making out with my mother in bed. - Justina shares


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