He told me no sex before marriage but he was cheating busy chasing after everything under the skirt. I now have peace of mind

Mercy shared her relationship story and titled it "Peace of Mind". Please don't forget to share after reading this captivating story.

Here's what she wrote:

3 years ago I found my self in a relationship where I gave in my all, I mean, like everything but the only thing I didn't give was my bod because Uncle said he wanted a no sex relationship, finally someone who understands, so I thought. But unknown to me Uncle is in the business of sleeping with everything in skirt oo.

Meanwhile another Uncle that I have known since 2012 has been on my neck chasing after me but I was skeptical due to the distance. And felt that the one close to me should be the main deal, I kept on telling the distance Uncle that i wasn't interested. Fast forward to 2018 the Uncle I was killing myself for refused to change, I had found out more than 15times about his sexcapades, and when I confront him, he will immediately kneel down, hold my legs and cry emotionally blackmailing me into forgiving.

Last year 2019 January I finally made up my mind to emotionally detach myself from him, he was dating himself thinking I was still in the relationship and from nowhere the distant Uncle showed up in September 2019 and this time told me he will wait till I give him a response. 2weeks later, I accepted him and in December I travelled to his base to visit his family, I never knew such love existed and in the next few months some thing great will be taking place.

The peace of mind I feel now is second to none and everyone around me has been asking what i am eating that in months i have gained flesh and looking good, unlike those 3years of my life that skirt would be dropping of my waist.

Please share your thoughts.

See screenshot of her story:



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