
Showing posts from November 2, 2019

Do You Know Your Dress Size?

figure 1.1 your guide to knowing your dress size As a fashion designer, instructor, tailor and stylist, I will help to put you through in knowing your dress size. It is important because often times, I come across clients, especially online clients, who don't have idea of what their dress sizes are. Now, to get you acquainted to this, please make sure you follow the guideline am going to teach you here. To get started, follow this steps: 1. What you need to know your body size measuring tape mirror pen  measurement book. I always advice that as a fashion lover, you should always have at least a measuring tape with you. Not just as a fashion lover but to everyone because this is necessary just in case there's is need for you to make purchase online, over the phone or through a friend. Once you've got the materials ready, move on to the next step. 2. Body measurements basics YOUR DRESS SIZE BASICS Once you've got your materials r...

Top Classy and Gorgeous Professional Looks

Nothing beats looking good and treating yourself good. Good clothes are one of the essence of good life or should I say, good sense of fashion rep good life.  See more collection to have and get inspired also: Hey guys, check these out. You don't wanna miss.   SEE MORE: BEAUTIFUL, FASHIONABLE, GORGEOUS, FABULOUS, CLASSY OUTFITS TO HAVE IN YOUR WARDROBE. WORK OUTFITS IDEAS FASHIONABLE WORK OUTFIT COLLECTIONS FOR YOUR WARDROBE. MUST HAVE. IDEAS. 

MS TUTORIAL: How To Take Your Full Body Measurements (VIDEO)

HOW DO YOU TAKE YOUR MEASU REMENTS? The things you need as a basic learner in taking your body measurements are: measurement tape measurement book pen Once you have those,  watch this video on how to take your body measurement  as a starter. You can also save these pictures as pictorial guides: