Hiya Miggies, the types of fabrics posted here were assignments submitted by our students. Only those whose assignments rates the best are posted on the blog. This is from Miggy Ekemini: NAME: Ekemini Udoh QUESTION : What are the different types of fabrics we have? ANS: TYPES OF FABRICS Clothing fabrics are made from fibers. Therefore clothing fabrics can be classified into the following categories: Natural fabrics, Synthetic fabrics, Natural/synthetic fabrics Natural fabrics : Are made of fiber that either comes from an animal (hair, fur, and feathers), a vegetable (such as cotton or hemp), or a mineral (i.e. fiberglass). They typically allow your skin to breathe better and are considered to be more comfortable, especially in very warm climates. Their major drawback is that they have a tendency to wrinkle badly or shrink when they are washed. Most natural fiber fabrics will shrink when exposed to very hot water and high heat drying methods. The mo...